Friday, October 30, 2015

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 10 (A Fruit You Dislike and Why)

Day 10: A fruit you dislike and why

I don't really think there is a fruit I dislike. Although, I do remember the time when I discovered I am allergic to grapefruit. And I haven't eaten it since.

I was staying at my Dad's house one summer sometime around the beginning of high school and I remember going grocery shopping with him when I first arrived. We bought all kinds of food for us to eat over the next week and some supplies to have a fish fry after we spent some time on the lake over the next few days.

I have always been a juice-drinker in the morning and breakfast has always been my favorite meal of the day. However, Dad is allergic to oranges, and that includes and kind of real orange juice, other than Sunny D. It makes his throat swell shut if he drinks it. (Or so I'd been told, thankfully I have never actually witnessed it.) So bearing this in mind, I chose a gallon of fruit juice for us to drink in the mornings which had no oranges in it. I don't remember exactly what brand or what all the ingredients were, but I do remember it was made up largely of grapefruit juice.

The next morning, we woke up and Dad made his coffee, and I poured myself a glass of juice. I took a few drinks of it, and the next thing I knew, I had this strange tingly sensation in both of my lips, unlike anything I had ever felt before. I didn't really think anything of it though, and I continued to drink my juice as I woke up. I remember walking into the bathroom a short time after that, and when I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror, a sense of panic struck my heart. My lips were swollen and huge! I looked like I had a serious case of horse-mouth.

I ran out of the bathroom and found Dad and I didn't even have to say a word. I just looked at him. His face was screwed up like he was trying to stifle his laughter when he saw me, and he kind of chuckled when he asked me if I was okay. (Clearly I was not okay!) I remember him saying something along the lines of, "well I guess you're allergic to grapefruit." I asked him if he thought my throat was going to swell shut like his does with oranges. He said, "well, I hope not" and gave me a Benadryl. I drank some water and laid down in bed while I waited for the swelling to subside. I was still a little panicked and I think I even texted my Mom telling her about my new accidental discovery.

The Benadryl must've done the trick, because the next thing I remember is waking up a few hours later, and my mouth looked normal again. I don't really have an opinion either way about grapefruit itself as a fruit, because I've never experienced it aside from that time. I don't even honestly know what it tastes like. But I have never been brave enough to pick one up and try it again, after what happened to me the first time. I'm sure if I did now, years later, I'd probably be fine, But I'll let you know how it goes some day when I'm feeling really brave.

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