Day 23: A family member you dislike
Oh, this one could get interesting. There have been many family members I've disliked during my lifetime, in varying degrees, for different periods of time, and for many reasons. I have always looked at it like this: You can't help being related to someone, but you can sure help who you associate with. It's important to remember that while we can't choose our family, we can choose our battles.
I would like to preface this blog entry by saying that, believe it or not, I do try to refrain from actively disliking things or people. I make an effort not to harbor negativity in my heart, and certainly not to let heavy things like hate burden my peace-seeking soul. Of course, I am human and I am not perfect. Ask anyone who really knows me, and they will be able to confirm: I am quite capable of dislike.
The first family member who comes to mind when I think of those I dislike is one who I have known since my childhood. This person is someone who is related to me by blood, but who most certainly does not behave in a manner similar to my own. The reasons why I dislike this particular family member come from many sources of irritation, misunderstanding, and hurt. In my life experience with them, I have witnessed this person exhibit a lack of responsibility for many things, most of all for their own actions which have continually hurt others. This person is someone who has an extremely difficult time with the idea that others do not live their lives in exactly the same manner as they do. They are someone who has absolutely no tolerance for dissenting opinions or opposition.
Yes, I do dislike this person and I have often questioned how it is possible we share the same bloodline. But that being said, it does not mean I wish them any harm or that I do not forgive them for their ignorance and love them equally as a fellow human being on this planet with me. You see, it is absolutely possible to dislike someone and wholeheartedly disagree with their actions, but to evade the pitfall of hate completely. Hate hurts only the person who harbors it, and frankly, I simply don't like this person enough to give them that kind of power over me.
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